Monday, February 14, 2011

!!! My Valentine !!!

Well, I had said that today I would discuss in more detail the list of potential, modern-day idols with which I ended my last entry.'s Valentines Day. Quite frankly, my blog is not a priority today. My husband is. I've got to get busy making him my special Valentines dessert before appointments and meetings begin at noon. So, next time I will get back to the topic of idols that steal our hearts away from the Lord. For now, I will leave you with a word about my Valentine:

Nick and I have been married for 4.5 yrs. This will be the 5th Valentines Day we've shared together. We are best friends, and I mean that completely. Nick would unashamedly tell you the same. We prefer one another over any other person on this earth. We enjoy each other more and more as each week goes by. We're buddies, and we say that regularly. We pray together. We serve the Lord together - and He is REALLY blessing our love. We share the conviction that we are His and that therefore every aspect of our marriage (our commitments, our finances, our careers, our time, etc) must be spent according to His Word. We've had some bumps and detours, but we've ironed-out every one before we closed our eyes at night. This way, we've remained strong and unified; wrestling with and doing life hand-in-hand. Nick loves me constantly, with such thoughtfulness, and I am chronically thankful for him. I wear a smile most all the time when we're at home together. I have prayed frequently for God to help me in my ability to respect Nick as the head of our marriage. I don't do this perfectly, but forgiveness flows freely between us. I love being married! I love my husband. He is SUPER. Marriage done God's way is SUPER. Come what may, I will stand firm on that conviction. Nick and I share a depth of intimacy and understanding that I can only describe as........perfect. We have both been forever changed for the much-better because of the way that God has orchestrated our love and used us to chisel one another. For all the nay-sayers out there............oh the joy, oh the purpose, oh the satisfaction, oh the fun, oh the challenge, oh the blessing you're missing out on. Time and life don't have to kill love. The fires at my house are still burning!

Happy Valentines Day to you........and especially to my Valentine!

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