Monday, February 7, 2011

Here I am, Lord! Do it in me!

God is not phased by our limitations.
In fact, He embraces them as a proving-ground for His glory.
He loves to display His power through us.

I long to be part of something bigger than myself. Something accomplished through my life that can bring people to only one conclusion: God did that and He is GOOD!

Consider what John Eldridge says in his book Wild at Heart. Eldridge paints a picture of how God, throughout the ages, has used unlikely people in unlikely circumstances to accomplish seemingly impossible feats:

"...the children of Israel are pinned against the Red Sea, no way out, with Pharoah and his army barreling down on the in murderous fury. Then God shows up. There's Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who get rescued only after they're thrown into the firey furnace. Then God shows up. He lets the mob kill Jesus, bury him...then he shows up. Do you know what God loves writing such incredible stories? Because he loves to come through. He loves to show us that he has what it takes... Most of the time, he actually lets the odds stack up against him. Against Goliath, a seasoned soldier and a trained killer, he sends...a freckle-faced little shepherd kid with a slingshot. Most commanders going into battle want as many infantry as they can get. God cuts Gideon's army from thirty-two thousand to three-hundred. Then he equips the ragtag little band that's left with torches and watering pots. It's not just a battle or two that God takes his chances with, either. Have you thought about His handling of the gospel? God needs to get a message out to the human race, without which they will perish...forever. What's the plan? First, he starts with the most unlikely group ever: a couple of prostitutes, a few fishermen with no better than a second grade education, a tax collector. Then, he passes the ball to us. Unbelievable."

Isaiah chapter 41 contains another example of God working mightily in bleak circumstances. Israel had every reason to be discouraged and defeated. They have been oppressed, attacked, bombarded, enslaved, and threatened for hundreds of years. Their history was grim and their future didn't look any different. Yet, right in the midst of their dark bondage God tells them that not only will their enemy no longer triumph over them but that He will literally turn-the-tables to make them into "a threshing sledge new and sharp, with many teeth"against their enemies! Here is God again - accomplishing the seemingly un-accomplishable.

Why does He do this? His agenda is always clear:
" that people may see and know, 
may consider and understand 
that the hand of the Lord has done this." 
(Isaiah 41:20a)

He will intervene. He will come to save the day. He will bring to pass the unimaginable. 
For the purpose of His name and His renown - not for the purpose of our comfort. 

I believe in the power of my God to take a human life and work through it such greatness that can only be attributed to the hand of the Sovereign Lord!

Here am I, Lord. Do it in me!

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