In my last blog I addressed the truth that often God Himself will orchestrate dark, difficult, or painful times in our lives for the purpose bringing-about His glory. I think it was really good. I hope you read it. Then again I may be fooling myself to believe that anyone's actually reading my ramblings :). I'm inclined to keep writing, though, cause most of the time I'm writing for my self as much as for yall. I find it helpful in more fully processing the truths that God is teaching me. Anyway.......back to business......
In reading through the book of Job this week, I'm finding plenty of scripture that exposes our correct response during the hard and hurtful times of our lives. When our circumstances just don't make sense, when things aren't going as we wished or as we expected, when we feel we're being dealt an unfair, raw deal - WE CAN HAVE PEACE.
Peace in the midst of pain.
Peace in the midst of uncertainty.
Peace in the midst of trial.
Peace in the midst of sickness.
Peace in the midst of seeming hopelessness.
Peace because God is good, sovereign, and wise.
As I pointed out last time, God invited Satan to ruin Job's entire life and family. So, Satan ruined Job's entire life and family - as God stood by and watched! Job - confident in His God - responds amazingly with complete submission to God's wisdom and ways. In the midst of unfathomably horrible circumstances, listen to Job's words:
"Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?" Job 2:10
"Indeed, I know that this is true.... His wisdom is profound, his power is vast.... He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted." Job 9:2a, 4a, 10
"In His hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.... To God belong wisdom and power; counsel and understanding are his." Job 12:10,13
"Though He slay me, yet will I hope in Him..... Indeed, this will turn our for my deliverance."
Job 13:15-16
I don't know about you, but I'm convicted! Lesson learned for today: God is awesome and completely in control - so I need to be confident in Him and quit worrying about my circumstances. They will happen exactly as God wills. And, when His will doesn't feel particularly good to me, I still have the responsibility to respond with peaceful confidence in who He is. Got it!
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