Nick and I have decided that we will be joining our church's 8-man mission team to India this December. I am so excited. Excited at how God is stretching us beyond our comfort; excited at how the Holy Spirit is convicting us and changing the desires of our hearts; excited at how we are choosing to be obedient! we'll go the day after Christmas 2011.
Half way around the world.
To a culture and to a people who are billions in number and hopelessly lost.
We will join a husband and wife missionary team, believing that the investment of our time and energy will help to train and equip Indian believers to "go and make disciples" within their native culture.
We are going because we are choosing to believe that when Jesus said "Go into all the world," He meant it literally. And, we are going quite simply because my hunky husband said we would :).
I am so so so so so thankful for my husband. I am thankful for his conviction and his wisdom. I am thankful for his understanding of his responsibility as the leader of our marriage. I am thankful that he is aware of his need to cultivate his personal relationship with the Lord so that he will be the man that God has called him to be. I am thankful that he accepts the responsibility to walk in obedience to God's Word and that he realizes how that obedience, or the lack thereof, will effect me. He is far from perfect -as am I - but I see God's Spirit at work within him. That, friends, thrills me inside. When he clearly and calmly expressed to me his conviction that we should go on this mission trip to India - as we were standing over the sink washing dishes after dinner - I was........well, dern......I don't really know the appropriate emotion. It was just great. Really, really great. Nick is the best!
And so...... I thought I'd do a brag-on-your-husband blog today. After my group bible study this morning, I listened to my friend and pastor's wife warmly express her gratitude for her husband. It was beautiful! I love to hear women bragging on their men - especially in today's culture where belittling often leaves no room for bragging.
Whether or not his actions always seem deserving of your praise and respect, you can still choose to give these to your husband. If you are a wife with a hunky husband like me, I challenge you to leave a comment and tell me all about his greatness :).
This is a small thing that might be helpful, but if you need an "icebreaker" to start up a conversation with people there, try talking about India's recent victory over Sri Lanka to win the cricket world cup. India hosted this year. One of the student workers at work is from India, and he told me everyone's been super excited about winning. I think he said it's been decades since India was world cup champs.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful opportunity and what a sweet post about your hubby! I love that God knows so much better what we need than we do! I am so thankful for my husband and how he loves me just as Christ loves the church!