In the past couple of years I have spent more time reading and studying my bible than ever before in my life. To give a frame of reference: i'd say an average of about 30 minutes a day, Monday through Friday. And... my world has come alive! I now realize that this is the least amount of time that I can possibly devote to God's Word if I expect to have the faith, the wisdom, the courage, the know how, the conviction, the endurance, and the intimate relationship with the Father necessary to live the life that He has planned for me.
I meet with God in His Word routinely each morning, and I feel real sadness if circumstances prevent me from that time in His presence. The scriptures have come alive to me in ways I don't have space to explain! They have guided my choices and assisted my relationships in very specific and personal ways. I experience real joy from the scriptures - joy as high as that which I feel in the arms of my husband. God is proving Himself to me through His Word, and that is a pleasure to experience! I read about who He says He is and what He says He plans to accomplish, and then I go about my days and see how He is exactly who He said He would be, working just as He said He would. Because of how I learn about Him through all of the scriptures, I have a keen awareness of His presence and His wishes as I go about my day. His closeness is wonderful!
I am so thankful for how God has answered my prayers to draw me closer to Himself. For so long I felt only obligation to read my Bible. Now, it is a retreat that I crave. I am more hungry for Him than ever before - more hungry to know Him through the pages of His Word than anything else in my life. No person, no pastime, no hobby, no earthly pleasure or possession can satisfy or thrill me like He does through His Word. Scripture after scripture after passage after passage after story after story has lept off the pages of my bible onto a permanent place in heart!
I realize that I am in a season of life where I have more flexible time than many of you, but I don't attribute this as the main reason for my commitment to the Word. I accredit it mostly to the fact that I asked and God answered. I asked Him to help me to be more disciplined and more desirous for His Word - he answered! He has given me a desire for Himself. If you realize a need in your life to have this sort of relationship with God through His Word, I challenge you to simply ask for His help in that area. If life continues to carry you along, work day after work day, appointment after appointment, commitment after commitment, chore to chore, hobby to hobby, tv show after tv show.......and you never stop to seriously prioritize yor time in the Word.........your life will be far far less than what He created it to be. You'll be cutting yourself off from the number one source of guidance for your life. Don't do that. Join me in a touching, challenging, exciting experience with God through the pages of His awesome Word! You will not be disappointed.
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