Recent genetic study and discovery has led scientists to conclude that all human beings are descended from the same mother. Proof of this, they say, is in the shared mitochondrial DNA of all humans. Time magazine recently printed an article by a scientist named Michael Lemonick. In "Everyone's Genealogical Mother," Lemonick writes:
"If family trees were charted indefinitely backward, they would eventually converge on a small group of ancients who were ancestors of us all. Now biologists suggest in a report to Nature that a single female living between 140,000 and 280,000 years ago* in Africa was the ancestor of everyone on the earth today. Inevitably - and to the probable delight of creationists - many scientists are calling her 'Eve.'"
How awesome! In our DNA, we literally all have a genetic link to Eve - God's first woman!
Though Eve was God's first created woman, she unfortunately did not prove to be God's first spiritually obedient and submitted woman. In the Garden of Eden, Eve discovered that she had options other than God's will and God's design for her life. She discovered she had choices. She believed the lie that there were things more fulfilling, more pleasing, and more self-promoting than what God had commanded. God had assigned to Eve the packed-full-of-divine-potential tasks of being a helper to her husband, a bearer and nurturer of life, and an advancer of God's Kingdom on Earth. Yet, in a moment of her selfish desire and Adam's passivity, she ate the forbidden fruit. She abandoned God's plans and chose her own plan.
How awesome that we share Eve's DNA!
How unfortunate that we share Eve's struggle!
Like she, we struggle with wanting to be in control of our lives, our plans, and our ambitions rather than submitting to God's scriptural design and trusting that His ways will produce the best results.
*Though I support the truth that we all have a connection to Eve, I do not support the evolutionary timeline that formulates Earth to be hundreds of thousands of years old.
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